I am a mother of 2 boys, married and now my children are older I’ve been able to follow my dreams and learn the art of reflexology.
My interest in reflexology piqued in 2013 when I went through major surgery, complications meant more minor surgery, and no amount of strong medication would take the pain away completely and then one evening crying and in despair, my husband started to massage my feet.
I truly don’t remember having any pain for the 30 minutes that he did this so knew then that reflexology was amazing and I needed to pursue this in order to help others.
I am trained at the highest level achievable in the UK and hold a Level 5 Diploma in Practitioner Reflexology being trained at Anahata College of Reflexology in Lincoln and I am a full member of the Association of Reflexology.

This allows me to create a treatment plan for many different conditions such as autoimmune disorders and clients living with a long-term debilitating illness, palliative and maternity care.
My expertise lies with treating the symptoms of stress and anxiety and I use a protocol called NEPIP which is based on the principle behind Psychoneuroimmunology which is the study of the effects of the mind on health and resistance to disease and works on the nervous, endocrine and immune system and mind, all of which can be adversely affected by stress.
This is an advanced reflexology protocol, which only reflexologists trained to a level 5 mastership can be trained in and perform.